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Jan 19, 2015

Cablegraph: People-Moving Comparison

Like most people, we love infographics. But we really enjoy a good visual breakdown of transit capabilities, such as this collection of images from around the world. So when we came across the above graphic on Doppelmayr’s Facebook page, we thought it would be worth sharing.

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Aug 15, 2011
Aug 08, 2011

CABLEGRAPH: Gas Prices vs Public Transit

How does the trend of increased ridership match up against the local gas prices in Toronto? Stuck between budget cuts and politics no one can ignore the increase in both fuel costs and public transit ridership. So the question is, how many riders will it take to shift attention over to public transit funding, infrastructure...

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Aug 01, 2011
Jul 25, 2011
Cablegraphs, London Cable Car

Cablegraphs: Vertical London

A quick comparison of existing heights in London and the proposed London Cable Car’s tallest tower. *this is a new (revised) version of a previous image

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Nov 05, 2010
Oct 20, 2010

Introducing Cablegraphs

A while ago, I introduced you to a young Designer and Mechanical Engineer named Julia Padvoiskis. One of Julia’s passions is explaining things simply and clearly through images. As such, her and I have decided to experiment with a new Gondola Project feature: The Infograph. We’re calling it the Cablegraph. Every week or so, Julia’s...

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