#Urban Gondola

Mar 27, 2011
Sunday Statshot

Sunday Statshot with Nick Chu

A quick look at some of the things that make your city’s transit system work (or not) Transit and Fuel Efficiency: Barrels of petroleum used per day by cars in US in 2008: 4,663,900 By bus transit: 45,200 By rail transit: 700 BTU (average energy use) per passenger mile for private automobiles: 3437 * BTU...

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Mar 26, 2011

Spot The Difference

No big news this week in cable, hence no Weekly Roundup. So instead, I thought I’d share with everyone a bizarre thing I stumbled upon the other day. Take a look at the two pictures below. Can anyone spot the difference? Furthermore, can anyone explain the difference? (Caveat: Aside from being optimized for the web,...

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Mar 25, 2011
Sentosa Island

Sentosa Gondola Transit

Unfortunately, no post today due to travel. I did, however, want to take a few minutes and tell everyone to check back here next week. We’ll have original images and documentation of the rebuilt Sentosa Island Gondola in Singapore. As regular readers know, it’s an important system but there’s not a whole lot of readily-available,...

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Mar 24, 2011
London Cable Car, Research Issues

The London Thames Cable Car / Aerial Tram / Gondola / Whatever

Alright. I know I complain about the nomenclature issue a lot, but this is getting ridiculous. Planetizen published the following update on the approved London Thames Cable Car (Gondola): London Approves Aerial Tram Over River An aerial gondola system will be built over the Thames River in London ahead of the 2012 Summer Olympics. “Expected...

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Mar 23, 2011
Cable Cars, Installations, Mexico City Aerotrén

Cable Cars, Lesson 2: Single Loop Cable Shuttles

For our new readers: Despite the fact that systems like the planned London Thames Cable Car are often officially called “Cable Cars,” they are more often than not Gondolas. This can be confusing to cable transit novices. To make it easier: Cable Cars are supported from below (like cars) and Gondolas are supported from the...

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Mar 22, 2011
Just For Fun

Philly Septa Lines Hit By Phantom Knitter

Is it art? Possibly. Depending on how you define it. If you want it to be art, then sure, call it art. Is it activism? In someone’s mind, it probably is. However, what the statement being made is anyone’s guess. Is it vandalism? Highly unlikely. But no doubt a group of people exist who’d like...

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Mar 21, 2011
Hasliberg Gondola, Uncategorized

Quick Dwell Times Demonstrated!

Sometimes life is just weird. Last week the issue of dwell times pretty much dominated conversation and discussion around these parts at The Gondola Project (here and then here). The main issue was whether or not dwell times were a real problem and if so, what solutions could be engineered. And then – by some...

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Mar 20, 2011
Sunday Statshot

Sunday Statshot with Nick Chu

A quick look at some of the things that make your city’s transit system work (or not) Transit Safety and Crime: % of Canadians feel safe walking alone in neighbourhood after dark: 90 % of Canadians not worried using public transit alone after dark: 57 % of women not worried: 42 Land uses attracting crime...

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Mar 19, 2011
Weekly Roundup

Weekly Roundup

A few highlights from around the world of Urban Gondola Transit and Cable Propelled Transit: Big news: Investors announce a $140 million (USD) plan to build a 5.2 km long urban gondola system in Hamburg, Germany. The system would have three stations with plans contingent upon city approvals. Unfortunately, it does not appear the system...

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Mar 18, 2011
Advocacy Issues, Engineering, Thoughts

Are Dwell Times A Problem?

Sometimes we try to solve a problem because we were the first to spot the problem. Or we try to solve a problem simply because we want to solve the problem, not because it’s a problem that really needs solving. We all do it. But trying to solve a problem no one has is a short...

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