A quick look at some of the things that make urban redevelopment work (or not): Definition of a “Spike”: A holdout threatening a larger development plan Percent of world’s population now living in urban areas: >50% Urban growth in Seattle between 2005-2008: 10,600 housing units Number of urban villages: 38 Ms. Edith Macefield: Seattle’s infamous...
A quick look at some of the things that make rising gasoline prices work (or not) for public transit: Cost of driving in 2008: 71 cents per mile Cost of driving in 1950: 9 cents per mile Percentage decrease in gasoline purchased as correlated to a 10% increase in gasoline prices between 2001-2006: <1% Percentage decrease...
A quick look at some of the things that makes suspended urban transit work (or not): The Aerobus Aerobus: Self-propelled suspended urban transit Inventor: Gerhard Mueller First installation: 1970, Schmerikon, Switzerland Distance between Aerobus tower spans: 0.6km Distance between Peak2Peak gondola tower span: 3.0km Only major installation: 1975, BUGA Mannheim, Germany Months in service: 6...
A quick look at some of the things that will make future urban mobility work (or not): Reinventing the Automobile – Personal Urban Mobility for the 21st Century: First self-propelled vehicle: 1769, Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot First gasoline-fuelled vehicle: 1885, Karl Benz Number of vehicles in US today: 850 million Number of times vehicles would circle planet...
A quick look at some of the things that make your city’s transit system work (or not) Transit and Fuel Efficiency: Barrels of petroleum used per day by cars in US in 2008: 4,663,900 By bus transit: 45,200 By rail transit: 700 BTU (average energy use) per passenger mile for private automobiles: 3437 * BTU...
A quick look at some of the things that make your city’s transit system work (or not) Transit Safety and Crime: % of Canadians feel safe walking alone in neighbourhood after dark: 90 % of Canadians not worried using public transit alone after dark: 57 % of women not worried: 42 Land uses attracting crime...
A quick look at some of the things that make your shindig work (or not): Happy St. Patrick’s Day! St. Patrick’s Day: March 17 St. Patrick’s original name: Maewyn/Succat St. Patrick’s Day’s original intent: Religious feast day First parade celebrations observed in US: 1737 in Boston In Canada: 1824 in Montreal In Dublin: 1931 Number...
A quick look at some of the things that make your country/natural disaster relief work (or not): Haitian Earthquake 1 Year After: Haitian population: 9.7 million Earthquake magnitude: 7.0 Lives claimed by earthquake: 316,000 % of government work force claimed: 25 Number of refugee camps: 1200 Number still living today in tents: 1.2 million Number...
A quick look at some of the things that make your country work (or not): Libyan Uprising 2011: Population of Libya: 6.5 million Population density of Libya: 50 person/km square % of population urban: 88 % of country covered by deserts: 90 % arable land: 1 Highest HDI (Human Development Index) in Africa: Libya Highest...
A quick look at some of the things that make your cities work (or not) Happy Family Day!: Family Day: Statutory holiday Occurrence: 3rd Monday in February First Canadian province to enact Family Day: Alberta 2nd: Saskatchewan 3rd: Ontario Percent of Ontarians still working on Family Day: 40 Average family size in Canada: 2.5 people...