In our never ending quest to document and showcase transport oddities, a reader has sent us a link to a rather delightful and fun transport vehicle from Ecuador. The Chiva Express as it’s called, is a traditional Latin American bus (known as a chiva bus) which was converted into a train. While chiva buses typically...
In our ongoing effort to catalogue the best, the worst and the middling of public transportation marketing, we bring to you what is arguably the most “epic” bus commercial ever. Behold, Denmark’s Midttrafik:
Most humans are social creatures – we enjoy the company of others (typically) and others enjoy our company. However, anyone who rides public transit on a regular basis knows that chatting it up with a stranger or sitting next to someone on an empty bus are pure violations of an unspoken set of social rules....
They say truth is stranger than fiction, and this is certainly no exception: This system was actually built. It was designed so that it could propel itself along the support cables without need of a wheelhouse. It is easily one of the most bizarre cable contraptions I’ve ever encountered and I’ll admit to having scant...