To all of our Canadian readers: Happy Canada Day and have a great long weekend!
Today we’re happy to announce our new Sponsor’s Corner initiative on The Gondola Project. In tandem with our Essential Guide To Gondolas (thanks again, by the way, to everyone who has already purchased a copy), The Sponsor’s Corner is a strategy aimed at making this site sustainable for the foreseeable future — and believe us...
In honour of the Queen’s birthday, we Canadians have opted to take a day off and play with fireworks. Rest assured, regular postings will resume on Wednesday. Happy Victoria Day!
For the most part, The Gondola Project has been rather successful at getting people to notice and understand cable transit solutions. What we’ve not been to great at, however, is being able to explain some of the more nuanced technical and engineering related questions posed to us by our readers. Don’t get me wrong—Nick Chu...
It’s taken us a bit longer than we’d hoped, but it’s finally here. . . The Gondola Project and Creative Urban Projects are pleased to present Cable Car Confidential: The Essential Guide to Cable Cars, Urban Gondolas & Cable Propelled Transit. Cable Car Confidential is the culmination of years of first hand by work by...
If you’ve arrived on The Gondola Project via today’s article at The Atlantic Cities, welcome! Feel free to take a look around, ask some questions and generally engage with the admittedly bizarre idea of using ski lifts as public transport. You’ll find our small corner of the web to be a generally open group of...
Happy Easter to all our new and regular readers on The Gondola Project! We’ll be back to regular posting on Wednesday, April 3rd. Have a great long weekend!
Sooner or later you’re going to run into someone that preaches as gospel that cable cars can’t do this or can’t do that. Typically, the argument is that cable cars can’t turn corners, can’t have intermediary stations and can’t be built in long configurations. Doesn’t matter whether that’s true or not, they’ll speak it like...
I was recently chatting with a client about an urban cable car project we’re working on (which non-disclosure agreements prohibit me from speaking on further). He’s a very successful entrepreneur and real estate developer with his hands in more than a few industries. He’s also owned a couple of ski resorts and had an insight...