Metrocable San Agustín – Parque Central ! Proyecto de integración social, inaugurado el 20 de enero de 2010. Tomando como referencia la Vanguardia de Medellín – Colombia. #Caracas #ig_caracas #ig_grancaracas #igersvenezuela #Venezuela #venezuelatequiero #instavenezuela #instalovenezuela #nuestravenezuela #elnacionalweb#galeríavzla #somosvenezuela #somos_venezuela_magazine #caracas_estrella #lasmejoresfotosdecaracas #loves_venezuela#metrocable #sanagustin #integraciónsocial #caracaswalk #v_e_n_e_z_u_e_l_a A photo posted by Jose Daniel Vega (@jdanvo) on...
HISTORY Modern Cable Propelled Transit started in Caracas, Venezuela with the Mount Avila Gondola. This system was originally built in the middle of the last century to carry people from Caracas to the top of Mount Avila where the luxurious Hotel Humboldt had been built. Political and economic strife caused the government to leave for...
A strong report on the Caracas Metrocable by Global Post. Unfortunately, the report makes the mistake of conflating the price of the cable line itself with that of the community-based infrastructure that’s co-located in the stations. This is a problem I previously highlighted and suspect will continue to dog the system. Nevertheless, try to keep...
True story: While I was touring the Caracas Metrocable earlier this year, myself and my guide were joined by an elderly gentleman in our gondola. Via my guide, I asked the man how he felt about the system. Did he like it? Any complaints? He said he loved it – except for all the time...
There’s no nice way to say this, but here goes: Had the Metrocables of Medellin and Venezuela been built in a place like Denver, Copenhagen or Zurich, this conversation about cable transit would be entirely different than it is now. Cities would be building these things faster than the industry could keep up. We wouldn’t...
Others might disagree with my selection, but if you’re new to the world of Cable Propelled Transit (CPT) and Urban Gondolas, these are the 7 aerial systems you need to know about:
An interesting short film about the San Augustin Metrocable line in Caracas, Venezuela: The Metro Cable of San Agustin from Urban Think Tank on Vimeo.
The above map is the Caracas Metro System. Metro de Caracas, of course, is one of the few transit systems in the world to utilize a Cable Propelled Transit (they call it the Metrocable) system. Look closely at the map and you’ll see all the other CPT lines Metro de Caracas has planned. All eight of...
It’s only a matter of time before someone builds an urban gondola or Cable Propelled Transit system in your world. It’s only a matter of when, where and whose first. I know this because I read dozens of documents and reports from amateurs and professionals alike, answer a fair bit of email and listen to...
If you’ve been paying attention, you’ve probably noticed something problematic about the Caracas Metrocable: The stations are enormous. We’re not talking about just “big” here. We’re talking about “big enough for Cirque du Soleil to perform in.” This is because the stations themselves are not really stations at all. Whut? Exactly. In actuality, the Caracas...