Photo Credit: Oleg fok, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
- The 2.5 km gondola in Edmonton is moving forward with the preliminary analysis. The system will take 12 minutes and travel over the North Saskatchewan River to historic Old Strathcona. The conceptual design being done by a local design firm and Doppelmayr has five stations and 20 towers and is estimated to cost between $132 to $155 million with an annual operating cost of $13 million.
- Construction of Russia’s first international cableway started earlier this month. The 978 meter cable car will cross the Amur River in 12 to 15 minutes connecting Blagoveschensk, Russia to Heihe, China. The system is expected to begin operation in 2023.
- The Troodos Development Plan includes a cable car to the highest peak of Troodos mountain in Cyprus. The cable car project has been in the planning phase for several years and has recently become part of the Strategic Environmental Impact Study. The cable car will require a separate environmental impact study to assess the ecological impacts of the Natura 2000 network.
- Atlantic Canada is excitedly expecting its first gondola. The gondola is expected to begin operating during the summer at Ingonish Beach. The upper terminal will be a viewing platform with future improvements including a tree walk. The construction is being conducted by Leitner POMA and the system is expected to be built by the end of April.
- The Maidenhead Town Council is considering a cable car to boost tourism. The project is in the very early stages, but current plans would connect the town’s railway station to the top of one of the tall buildings being built in town, offering panoramic views of Maidenhead, England. Economic analysis shows the system paying for itself within two to three years of operation and there is already a company interested in operating the cable car.