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Feb 12, 2021
Weekly Roundup

Weekly Roundup: The World’s First Passenger Cable Car

Post by nickchu

Pictured is the second iteration of the cable car to take passengers between Bolzano, and Monte Pozza, Italy. This system was the first in the world to carry passengers.
Photo Credit: German Federal Archive, Bild 102-13569 / CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 DE, via Wikimedia Commons
  • The Simon Fraser Student Society supports the Burnaby Mountain Gondola. The president of the Society wrote a letter to the mayor of Burnaby and the city council requesting their support for the Production Way to University Station Alignment. The letter expressed support for the shortest alignment and outlined the benefits for the university and residents. See a related Weekly Roundup here with more details. SCJ Alliance, the parent company of the Gondola Project, is part of this project.

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