Photo Credit: Ian Spence / CC BY (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)
- The development company Sun Group is shifting their Vietnam efforts due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Once COIVD-19 is no longer a threat, a 3S cable car route is planned to open in Ha Long . Also to help boost tourism in Vietnam, an additional cable car route is being planned in Danang.
- A housing developer in West Vancouver, Canada is proposing an aerial tram as part of their required community amenity contribution. The preliminary plan for the 2 km aerial tram is to connect the Marine Drive to the Cypress lookout, helping with existing transportation challenges in the area as well as serving the residents of more than 600 proposed new units. At a public meeting, residents in the area seemed welcoming of the idea for a new transit mode in their community.
- The official investigation report for the fallen gondola in Rotenfluebahn, Switzerland said the responsible parties reacted appropriately. The empty gondola that fell to the ground on October 20, 2019 did so due to high wind speeds swinging the cabin so far that it got caught by the cable catch, resulting in the cabin detaching from the cable.
- The Great Food Truck Race gave contestants a “high” challenge on the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway. The teams had to create a salad in the rotating tramway cabin on the way up. Teams had to finish their dishes before arriving at the mountain top where judges were waiting.