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Sep 30, 2015
MIO Cable

“Cleaner” Transit Tech: Opening Reactions to MIO Cable

Post by nickchu

New transit infrastructure has the ability to excite people in many different and surprising ways.

Case in point: the recently opened MIO Cable in Cali, Colombia. We came across a heartwarming quote last week and just had to share it on the blog. Here’s what local resident Erlinda Tenorio had to say:

English: “Here we are rationing water, so I had to keep it in tubs and buckets so I could bathe and be ready for the opening [of the cable car]… There! There it is! Look, that’s my ‘ranch’ he shouts excitedly from one of the booths pointing to a small house made of brick and covered with shingles rusted zinc, where he has lived for forty years.”

Spanish: “Aquí estamos con racionamiento de agua, por eso me tocó guardarla en tinas y baldes para poderme bañar y estar lista para la inauguración… ¡Ahí está! ¡Ahí está! Mire, ese es mi ‘ranchito’”, grita emocionada desde una de las cabinas mientras señala una pequeña casa hecha en ladrillo y cubierta con tejas de zinc oxidadas, en la que vive desde hace cuarenta años.”

Now we’re not here to start a transit modal war nor are we transit zealots, but let’s be honest here, we highly doubt a bus (or even a train) could elicit such a response.


Akron Metro Gillig #2128 CNG

Would you ration water so you can bathe before you ride the new city bus? Well…I might but it’s really because I’m germaphobic (and a transit nerd).



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