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Jun 18, 2015
Nevis Range Gondola

Photo of the Week: Nevis Range Gondola

Post by nickchu

Proving once again that cable cars are just as fun for their owners as they are for their four-legged friends. Image by Ross Edgar.

Proving once again that cable cars are just as fun for our four-legged friends as they are for their owners. Image by Ross Edgar, cameo by Kara.

Photo by Ross Edgar.

The Nevis Range Gondola, coined as Britain’s only mountain cable car, brings visitors on an unforgettable aerial journey on Aonach Mor. Once onboard, passengers have fantastic views of Loch Linhe, Fort William and Ben Nevis.

Every Thursday, the Gondola Project team will select stunning captures of CPT lines. We hope this will continue to bring more attention to the technology and provide visually impactful examples of cable car systems worldwide. If you’d like to submit or nominate a picture for our “Photo of the Week”, we’d love to hear from you. Leave a comment below or send us an email at


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