A quick look at some of the things that happened this week in the world of cable cars, urban gondolas, and cable propelled transit:
- There’s just something with cable cars and love. This week the Emirates Air Line helped a young man propose to his girlfriend by decorating cabin 14 with a happy anniversary banner! By the way, as you can see above, he was successful!
- News coming out of Romania indicates that several cities in Eastern Europe are exploring the implementation of CPT and is looking to apply for EU funds. However, something must be lost in translation as one of the proposed systems can somehow travel at speeds up to 50km/h, have cabin capacities of only 4 and have a line capacity of 5,000 pphpd! And just to top it off, passengers can reportedly “choose” their destinations via touchscreen or voice command!
- Due to outstanding costs related to planning, construction and operations of the Emirates Air Line, officials in London are reportedly seeking an additional £18.6m.
- The Gondola Project’s very own, Steven Dale, was quoted in the Informational Daily’s recent article, “Global cities put cable cars in the ‘rapid transport’ mix“