Riding public transit is often a comfortable and enjoyable experience. Most people are quiet, are respectful of the personal space of others and typically, will mind their own business.
However, if you ride transit regularly, you’ll know that this isn’t always the case. Every so often you’ll come face to face with one (or few) inconsiderate and rude passenger(s). From my experiences, this scenario is almost unavoidable — almost as if there’s some basic law of public transit riding where 10% trips will result in you encountering some sort of insensitive buffoon. We all know who they are: seat-hoarders, pole-leaners, music blasters, and so on and so forth, the list can go on forever.

Mind moving your bag? Image by Flickr user zsazsasmore
So how do you deal with these riders? Well, Burger King Singapore released their own personal, and I might add, rather amusing guide on ways to surviving poor passenger behaviour. In total, there are five different instructional videos, most of which a regular commuter can personally and immediately relate to. The two most hilarious ones are posted below, but if you’d like to see more, click here.