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Mar 27, 2013
Vancouver/Burnaby Gondola

Help Support The SFU Burnaby Mountain Gondola

Post by admin

Regular readers of The Gondola Project are familiar with the difficulties the Burnaby Mountain gondola has experienced getting off the ground (pun intended).

The proposed system – which is to serve the student, faculty and resident population of Simon Fraser University (SFU) – while having significant merit, has hit a couple of roadblocks along the way. But that hasn’t prevented the Simon Fraser University Association from throwing their collective weight in favour of it.

The student association has launched a grassroots campaign called I Like It On Top (pun presumably intended) as a means to convince politicians, locals and stakeholders that the “Gondola (should be) a priority by raising the profile of current transit issues surrounding Burnaby Mountain.”

And just to prove how serious they are about this; the students’ association has even put up two grand of cold, hard cash money as bounty for the SFU students who generate the most creative techniques and strategies to make this thing happen.

Have a good idea how to help them realize their goals? Submit your ideas by April 7th.

Wanna learn more about the SFU Burnaby Mountain Gondola? Download the full business case here.


1 Comment

  • Scott says:

    Yes, the gondola should be a priority. We don’t need students to support a crappy system. Give the Translink/CH2MHILL folks an “incomplete” on their paper!

    Translink should be told by the students to rewrite their analysis because they completely botched both the analysis and the huge cost to develop this 3S system simply does not hold water.

    I suggest that they find at least two instructors and two classes that could compete against each other and have CH2MHILL be their advisor – free from meddling from Translink. CH2MHILL can treat this as a way to find possible interns and future employees.

    I’m not sure who’s at fault, Translink or CH2MHILL (but I suspect Translink). The costs, analysis and justifications have been thoroughly discussed on here and shown to be funky at best and incompetent at worst.

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