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Jan 18, 2012

The Internet Strikes Back

Post by hulia-j

For several years now we’ve been collecting information, data, and images on cable transit and other transit related information to create a knowledge hub for everyone. As you also may know, the United States Government is in the process of trying to pass PIPA and SOPA, two censorship bills which could effectively damage the internet and severely limit the amount and types of information allowed to be published and shared.

In an effort to raise awareness on this issue many websites, both large and small, are “blacking out” their information to raise awareness. Wikipedia, one of the largest collections of human knowledge and one of everyone’s quick and dirty go-to for information on almost anything, have blacked out their english pages for 24 hours. Similarly Flickr, one of our favorite places to post, share, and discover all things cable, have joined the protest against the SOPA and PIPA legislature. While not blackening out all the photos, the site has allowed users to darken their own, as well as others (because of course if the internet was censored we wouldn’t get to pick and choose what gets removed.)

While not taking down or even blocking out any or all of The Gondola Project, we have in solidarity with the internet, decided to with hold your daily allotment of cable and further attract your attention to this threat on the web.


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