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May 09, 2011
Automated People Mover

Switzerland’s First Automated Underground: Lausanne’s M2

Post by admin

Here’s how you do transit journalism:

(Note: Some people have emailed me claiming the video to not work. If you’re one of those people, here’s the link.



  • Monorail says:

    That’s an incredible subway system! I can’t believe it’s built in a city with a population of 130,000! Only in Switzerland does something like this happen.

    It’s amazing to see how efficient, and clean everything is. I’m curious to see how a city that small can afford to build such an extensive underground transport system and if it’s all built using local funding.

    • matthias says:

      The metro and other transit are built using city and cantonal fund. Another thing is that there are many small towns in Switzerland even they are connected with each other and everything is overbuilt. So you only can tell by roadsigns if you go from one town to another. In other countries those towns would have been combined to one large municipality.

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