A quick look at some of the things that make rising gasoline prices work (or not) for public transit:
Cost of driving in 2008: 71 cents per mile
Cost of driving in 1950: 9 cents per mile
Average cost of gas in US today: $3.47/gallon ($0.92/litre)
Percentage higher than last year: 28%
Number of fewer gallons of gas pumped in April 2011 compared to April 2010: 2.4 million
Overall public transit ridership increase in 2008 due to gas cost spike: 4%
San Diego Trolley ridership in February, 2010: 2.2 million
In February, 2011: 2.3 million
Transit ridership increase in Santa Clara, California: 7.4%
Estimated additional transit trips with $4/gallon gas prices: 670 million
With $6/gallon gas prices: 2.7 billion
Light rail ridership elasticity in response to gas prices: 0.27-0.38
Bus ridership elasticity: 0.04
Percentage of Americans without access to public transit: 46