A quick look at some of the things that make your country work (or not):
Libyan Uprising 2011:
Population of Libya: 6.5 million
Population density of Libya: 50 person/km square
% of country covered by deserts: 90
Highest HDI (Human Development Index) in Africa: Libya
Highest literacy rate in North Africa: Libya
Percent of population that can read and write: 82
Highest GDP per capita in Africa: Libya
Highest rate of car ownership in Africa: Libya
Ruling dictator: Moammar Gaddafi
Number of ways to spell his name: 112
Result: Longest-serving leader in Arab world
Gaddafi’s ideology: Green book
Preferred form of self-defense: Female virgin bodyguards
Intention: Female emancipation
Favourite place to conduct business: Bedouin Tent
Aspirations: United States of Africa
Largest oil reserves in Africa: Libya
Total trade volumes net worth: $85 billion
Highest unemployment in North Africa: Libya
Gravest threat to national security: Unemployed teenage men