Originally, The Gondola Project was to be a one year long exploration of Urban Gondolas and Cable Propelled Transit. 1 post per day for 365 days. And as any reader can see from the counter in the upper right hand corner of this website, we’re approaching 365 very quickly.
It’s amazing how quickly a year flies by. Not everything that was planned, came to fruition (the lack of a forum page was a particular frustration of mine), but I like to think we’ve had many successes along the way.
The thing I hadn’t actually asked myself was this: What happens once we reach 365? What next? Does the site keep going? Does it keep going in its present form? Does it change? How much does it change? Do we just take it down?
So many questions, too few answers.
I’d therefore like to ask readers of The Gondola Project to offer constructive criticisms, ideas, direction and thoughts about where they’d like to see the site head. What would you like to see more of? Less of? Would you like to see the site move into a more general direction with articles, posts and discussions about cities and/or transit in general? Would you rather it be even more cable-specific than it already is?
Any and all comments are welcome. Thanks for all your help and support!
Open the Forum on day 366.
Keep on posting news a daily update is not necessary. And some guest entries would also add to the site.
Maybe open up the topic and present more funiculars and other cable drawn systems instead if narrowing to gondolas.
Keep it going with a post whenever the mood takes you, rather than daily. As for scope take it wherever interests you.
I feel like there are a lot of general urban/transit blogs around, but maybe you could mix that with an ongoing CPT focus as well. It doesn’t have to be as formal as every other post, but something roughly like that.
And I agree about guest bloggers–seems like a good way to get more people thinking about these issues.
I think the ease of access to past posts could be improved.
The menus in the right are quite clumsy to use.
Good work so far Steven.
I hope that the site continues to focus on CPT. You have done a great job of documenting the uses and the possible applications of cable technology. You don’t need to post every day, or exclusively on CPT, but I think that this site is a valuable resource for anyone interested in gondolas. I would be interested in learning more about the potential environmental benefits of using CPT- comparisons of GHG emissions, energy used, or even life cycle analysis of systems.
I agree with Scott that it would be nice to have easier access to previous posts. When I tell the other students in my urban planning program about CPT, I refer them to this site, and I wish that it was somewhat easier to find the series of posts on cable technology and on the Caracas and Medellin site.
Thank you for the first 365 days, I hope you continue!
Brilliant site altogether! Daily isn’t a necessity but it sure was enjoyable staying tuned since last November.
Particularly like embedded videos, and the discussions are good. Forum Yes! But unfortunately that comes with spamming, trolling and flaming.
Google allows adding an embedded widget where a form box uses the format [site:gondolaproject.com search terms] Or people can use the same format directly on Google.
A wiki of sorts would be terrific. Or at minimum a list of sticky links to Wikipedia entries for meritorious CPT installations.
No doubt the green benefits can be further touted.
The topic could be broadened to include other modes of CPT. Domain cableprotransit.com happens to be available but doesn’t have the same ring as GondolaProject.com 🙂
Kudos and thanks.
i like seeing a new post everyday! always good to have something interesting to do when i’m at work
I think this website should continue as a focussed site on cable transport systems. There are already lots of general public transit websites.