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Jul 06, 2010

Algerian Gondolas

Post by admin

An MDG Urban Gondola System in Skikda, Algeria. Image courtesy of Doppelmayr.

Aside from high-profile systems in South America, Urban Gondolas and Cable Propelled Transit systems are relatively obscure. Yet there is one other country that’s quietly been hopping on the band wagon. That country is Algeria.

Low Profile Tower and Station Infrastructure in Tlemcen, Algeria. Image courtesy of Doppelmayr.

Like Medellin, Algeria has recently come out of a period of intense difficulty. Civil war ravaged this country for decades and peace has only recently become the norm. As such, the country has endeavored to rebuild their infrastructure and have opted for cable transit as a cheap and expedient means to do so.

Manufactured by Garaventa (the Swiss half of the Doppelmayr-Garaventa partnership), the Algerian systems are unique 15-person Monocable Detachable Gondola systems. As most MDG systems typically carry 10 people per vehicle, this represents a 50% increase in vehicle capacity. Does that translate into a 50% increase in system capacity?

Who knows . . .

Due to the difficulty of obtaining information and imagery out of Algeria, I’ve limited information as to these systems. What I do know is this: 5 systems are planned throughout the country. Currently, 3 have already been built in the cities of Constantine, Skikda and Tlemcen. Hopefully we can drum up some new information about these systems in the coming months (particularly where the other two are going to be located), but for now, these pictures of the Skikda and Tlemcen systems will have to do.

Take particular note of the modestly-sized angle station as well as the generally low-profile of the systems.

Tlemcen, Algeria. Image courtesy of Doppelmayr.

Skikda, Algeria. Image courtesy of Doppelmayr.

Tlemcen, Algeria. Image courtesy of Doppelmayr.

Notice how simply this Tlemcen, Algeria station is integrated into traditional architecture. Image courtesy of Doppelmayr.


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