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Nov 25, 2009

Time Is A Non-Renewable Resource…

Post by admin

. . . and that’s true for each and every one of us. Sure, it’s possible that time is infinite in the macro scale, but for our individual selves that’s just not so (despite what Aubrey de Grey might have us believe).

Time is the most precious thing we have and yet our current transit systems refuse to acknowledge the fact: Excruciatingly long wait times; constant delays; inconsistent schedules; stop after stop after stop; and travel speeds that make walking a competitive option.

Why don’t we at least consider a transit alternative that doesn’t steal our lives from us a few minutes at a time?

We need transit that provides the following (at minimum):

LT1M wait times; frequent, reliable service; no schedules; round-the-clock availability; travel speeds above 20 km/hr.

I’m not about to say that Cable-Propelled Transit would ensure those things.  Instead, I’m asking us to consider the possibility that it might.

(Incidentally, for those who don’t know who Aubrey de Grey is, he’s a researcher convinced that immortality is within our grasps.  Clearly, he’s a little bit controversial but I’m rooting for him because if he’s right, then waiting for a Toronto streetcar becomes a viable option.)


Above: Immortality



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