#Public Transit

Oct 07, 2010

The Argument

We spend too much time arguing about the type of public transit our cities should implement. It’s such a waste of time, energy and resources. Imagine what we could accomplish if we devoted just a fraction of that energy to working together and accepting the idea that all transit technologies have a place. Somewhere along...

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Sep 08, 2010

Paris Metro To Share The Warmth

This week Cleantechies reports on an innovative plan by the Paris Metro to use excess heat generated by riders and vehicles to heat a nearby building. You read that right, generated by riders. The essence of the plan is rather straightforward: Humans generate a large amount of body heat. When humans use underground transit systems,...

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Sep 03, 2010
Thought Experiments

50 Percent Less

A thought experiment: What if you took anywhere from one third to one half of the commuters off the road each and every workday? How would that change things? Well for starters, your commute would be far more pleasant, whether you were a driver or not. Congestion and delays wouldn’t be nearly as harsh as...

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Sep 02, 2010

What’s The Problem?

We live in a marketplace of ideas, and right now cars win because that idea is better than what public transit has on offer. It isn’t better for everyone, but it’s better for most. That might change in the future, but right now, that’s the game. You want to get people out of their cars? Provide...

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Aug 30, 2010
Blogs & Other Sites, Just For Fun

Americans Want Public Transit (A Satire)

One of my favorite websites in the world is the satirical newspaper, The Onion. Its commentary is such a spot-on accurate depiction of how the world works, it’s oftentimes a more reliable source of news and commentary than our traditional sources. An absolute favorite article (from 2000) is titled Report: 98 Percent of U.S.Commuters Favor...

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Aug 14, 2010

Inflexible Inventory

Ultimately, the problem with public transit is one of economics. Our current transit systems have no ability to adjust the supply of their inventory levels (seats) to match a given demand (ridership) at a given time of day. Its inventory is completely inflexible: Rush Hour: Too much demand, not enough supply. Late Night: Some demand,...

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Aug 09, 2010
Thought Experiments

The Future of Public Transit

A Thought Experiment: Imagine a world 30 years from now (not so far into the future) where there is no such thing as public transit in whatever city you happen to live in. How did it happen? Why? What caused public transit’s demise? Think it’s impossible? Ask Clayton County, Georgia. Or the flip side: Image...

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