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May 30, 2011
Site Issues and Updates

Urban Gondola Transit Technology Revisions: BDG

Post by admin

As we move into the slow summer months, we thought it appropriate to take the time and make revisions to the various lessons, modules and primer pieces available on The Gondola Project. The revisions we’re making correct some of the errors and omissions that resulted from creating an online primer text using 20 year old literature to understand a technology that virtually no one actually understands.

Particularly as some of these posts are a-year-and-a-half old (has it really been that long?), we felt it essential to review materials and make sure that what we said then matches what we know now.

As such, we’re trying our best to use the most current and accurate information and data we can get our hands on. At the same time, opinions in the industry vary greatly about what the variety of cable transit technologies can and cannot do and these opinions are often in opposition to one another.

Therefore, please understand that The Gondola Project is meant solely as a guide and should not be relied upon as a lone source of information.

If there are any pages or posts you’d like to see revised, corrected or revisited, please send us an email at gondola (at) creativeurbanprojects (dot) com, or leave us a comment below.

The first revision we’ve made is our BDG Module, which we feel was the primer text most in need of revisions, updates and corrections.


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